Smallholder aquaculture production

Objective ::
Raising the productivity and incomes of smallholders with the land and resources to farm fish for profit.
This objective will be acieved through :
Community mobilisation and group building
The Programme will work with communitybased organisations and local/traditional institutions to mobilise and sensitize communities to aquaculture-related opportunities, to get buy-in to ABDP initiatives and to build their potential to improve their quality of life and social and economic well-being.
Aquaculture infrastructure development
The selection of target sites and beneficiaries for new or rehabilitation of production facilities will be based on a set of criteria to include soil suitability, the availabilit y of good quality and sufficient quantity of water supply throughout the year, availability of adequate land for future expansion and slopes suitable elevation
Small-scale aquaculture input industry development
The Programme would contribute to the capacity building of the small-scale/back-yard fingerling industry. Production is regarded as a potentially lucrative enterprise, but it has to b e very carefully operated and managed to be sustainable. The Programme would offer modest grant support to build up local fingerling supplies where there is a convincing case
Aquaculture productivity
The Programme intends to offer concentrated technical training, skills transfer and follow-up. The training and capacity building for producers will be tailored to the specific needs of beneficiaries and will include: management of aquaculture production; post-harvest handling, food safety and hygiene; environmental management; fish farming as a business and marketing; and nutrition education and gender awareness